It’s really interesting to me how people come up with various names for their growing babies. I’ve heard a lot over the years (of course I can’t think of that many now). After many years with my husband and early discussions in relationship about nicknames, I know these can’t be forced. They just come to you. Our collective name is Frelaine which was created by his sister and is very popular and used all the time with our families and ourselves. #frelaine
Our baby is nicknamed Embers. Short for embryo. How did this happen? Well, it was actually prior to the pregnancy that it happened while we were trying. I thought of it while we were wondering if there was an embryo in there (there wasn't’ at the time). The name stuck and immediately when finding out we were pregnant, we called Embers by the name. Now that Embers isn’t actually an embryo anymore, Fred has gotten to call it Feetie. This is cute, but not as widely used by us as Embers and not really much by me. I do occasionally call it fetus too. Our baby also has another name. One of his nieces came up with it when we told them we were expecting. It’s Frelaby which of course made sense with Frelaine.
ElaineA pregnant midwife living and working in New York City Archives
April 2019