Today was a sad day. I mourned the loss of most of my jeans.
Over the past week, I started to pop and show more. It was a crazy transition. Of course this also coincided with me being back on sugar (Lent was over) and so now I can’t help but think that it is partially due to my eating habits... I definitely haven’t been eating super well and snacking a lot at night. I’m trying to get lots of healthier things, but at night, I’m not so great. Going out/ordering delivery doesn’t help either. The one good thing is that I’m craving fruit a lot. I’m still liking the oranges, but also now I’m really into canned fruit - especially pineapple and peaches. I’m getting the kind in juice, not syrup. It’s such a weird craving. And despite the new bump, I am not yet feeling movement! I understand my placenta is in the way, but I’m still sad. I was really hoping to feel something by now. I try every night and no such luck. Last week, I even had a dream I felt something. I woke up and felt it, smiled and went back to sleep. But I really think now that it was just a dream. On another note, we finally decided today to remove my belly button ring. I haven’t touched it in years to change it. I had no idea how it would go. I bought some plastic ones that are supposedly more flexible so that as I grow, it moves. Fred and I got everything prepared. I soaked the new ones in alcohol. I had bought antibacterial soap to wash the area. It was a little dramatic, but mostly funny. Both of us kind of got grossed out at times. The old one was really stuck, until we got some soapy water to move it. We managed to get a flexible plastic one in there for now. We’ll see how it goes. Worst case, I can take it out all together and just periodically push one through so the hole doesn’t close.
ElaineA pregnant midwife living and working in New York City Archives
April 2019